
Cold War Background #1

  The Cold War was a fight between the Soviet Union and the United States and their perspectives on ways to run a country. The Soviet Union and its allies heavily believed that communism was the best form of government and economic practices, while the United States and its allies wanted to stop it from spreading. What sparked the Cold War? What is communism? Explain in your own words.

Cold War Background #2

  Read the link and answer the following question. In your own words, name one spy and explain the significance of spies in general.  Name 3 techniques to gather information as a spy.  The Cold War: US History for Kids *** (

Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift #1

In May of 1948, the Soviet Union made a barrier with tanks. They did this to block out the western zones, which had been run by the Soviet’s enemies. The Soviet Union used tanks, lined them up, and blocked traffic between the two areas. This became known as the Berlin Blockade, which sparked another important event called the Berlin Airlift. This was when the United States, British, and some Germans brought supplies over to help support those people being blocked away. They brought these supplies through the air by plane, hence the name of the event. If you were a citizen in Berlin during the blockade, what would your first response to the blockade be? What would you do when you heard the blockade was occurring ? Explain.

Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift #2

  Read the article and answer the following questions. What could to Soviet do to battle the airlift?  Was their end decision the only decision they could've made? Explain.  The Berlin Airlift: What It Was, Its Importance in the Cold War > U.S. Department of Defense > Blog

West Germany vs East Germany #1

After being blockaded, Germany was divided into two, known as East Germany and West Germany. Western Germany was controlled by the German Federated Republic, who favored democratic ideas and helped a lot of people gain more sense of freedom. This included countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and France. Eastern Germany was controlled by the German Democratic Republic, who favored communist ideas and had very limited freedom. This group included the Soviet Union. 

West Germany vs East Germany #2

    Read the article and answer the following questions. Main differences between east and west Germany were who controlled it. Other than that, what were some differences between the east and west sides of Berlin?  East and West Berlin: A Study in Free vs. Controlled Economy |  

Berlin Wall #1

    Once people realized they had a chance of a better life in the west versus the east, they started to travel. The Soviet Union didn’t approve, leading to the creation of the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall was created to keep people out of West  Germany, who was inside of the wall.  Read this article and answer the questions. Who was the current Soviet leader and what were their demands and comments regarding Germany?  Statement by President John F. Kennedy on the Berlin Wall, August 24, 1961 (1961) - Document - Gale In Context: High School